A few weeks ago I took a trip to help my friend Mo kick off her compost latrine project. I brought a tecnico from my town that has had years of experience building and maintaining composting latrines. He was kinda enough to come without pay because he really believes in the technology and wanted to see a new town.

Mo lives on an island near
Bocas del Toro. Since it is
illegal to take sand from any beaches in the area all the sand and materials had to be brought from the mainland. We left in a dug out wood boat. Water was pouring in though the sides because we were so weighed down, but we got there in one peace.

Here is the latrine after most of the first three layers of
blocks have been
laid. These latrines are built in places where a high water table exists so you can´t have a pit latrine.

The view at dusk of her town looking out towards
Bocas del Toro.

tecnico Benicio giving a talk on the proper use and common problems with the latrines. This was in my view one the most important parts of the whole 3 days. He gave his talk in
Ngobe and used stories about his experience building
nearly 30 latrines and how so many people like them in my town. Many of the other guys
didn´t fully understand the concept until he spoke to them. You can see the ¨doors´s where you take out the composted excrement in the back.

Mo and the proud new owners of their latrine.