Monday, November 13, 2006

Halloween Pictures

After our group swore in we went had a freee weekend to celebrate and went to the beach town of Santa Clara. We all stayed in cabanas which were right on the water. The last night we had a halloween party. The theme was that your costume has to be something related to Panama. I was Balboa the Conquistador.
This is a group shot of all the Environmental Health volunteers. It is taken right outiside the Panama Canal museum in the old city. Yes I´m the only person wearing a blazer...I brought it so I wore it.

This is a group of us inside the museam, left to right is Ryu, Colin, myself, Brandon ( all of these people are engineers in Bocas) Mellisa, Jack, Mo, and Kevin.

Colin and Ryu as a banana tree and someone eating a banana.

Me and Kevin rocking out on the assault rifle and sword. He was Panama National Police.

This is one of the two couples that are in our group. The trainors are in EH, and were trash. In many places Panama doesn´t have the best trash disposal. They even had a condom!!

This is Mo and Victoria as trees or the jungle. And yes those are freshly cut banana leaves.

This is it... Balboa in all his glory. Next to me is Kasey, he is a yes man, or someone one pushing for the Canal Expansion. He actually had the real pamflets.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Site info

I´ve been at my site for a week now and have been soooo busy. In the past week I have been to the neiboring community to hike up the mountain to see the spring and tank locations of the aquaduct I will be building. it is quite a hike yet really beutiful, probabably the closest to being in a rainforest I have ever been. There was also a meeting to start planing the aquaduct. It is really frustrating because the community wants to go go go, but the design isn´t finished as thereare no acurate elevation measurments. Today I am in the Provincial capital, buying tools to start clearing the path for the tubing. The mason I am working with is really knowledgable and has already built 4 aquaducts with the PC.

Novemeber is also the month of festivities here. There was parades in my town back to back for the Independence from Columbia and flag day. The band has alot of drums and xzylophones?? Every day I try to play soccer at 5 till it gets too dark to see and the bats come out. Ussually there is a competitive 6 on 6 soccer game, and a volleyball game everyday.

I have been in good health and am sleeping on a hammock, which is surprisingly comfortable. I have my own room in a house that I am sharing with a teacher. My host family are neighbores and are very welcoming esspecially the kids. I¨ve been eating alot of boiled bananas and Pifa, which is kinda like a dry squash. Occasionally i go to the store and buy rice and lentils or chicken for dinner for everyone.

My digital camera has been having some serious problems which I think are related to the humidity, and my cell phone gets horrible service. You can call and leave a message and I can call you back on the pay phone if you would like. Right now I have to go and get some more things organized while I´m in the Provincial capital for the aquaduct.