The Peace Corps trainees put on a Bingo night to raise money for the library in town. The library was really lacking on books. They had abunch of high school text books from the 70çs and a really old encyclopedia. We raised about $300 from selling bigo cards and food. It was a great community activity, many family made food and helped sell it. Other people set up the sound system and there was even traditional Panamanean dances done by kids. We used peaces of corn for the chips.
In this picture is my buddy Colin and the family of my Spanish teacher. The guy with that hat used to work for Peace Corps and speakes fluent english which was kinda strange to have a redular conversation, or know that he can always understand us talking. You get really used to speaking in english and assuming that no one can understand. At one point my freind came up and said ¨Hey Vicky has 3 kids? she looks really good¨ he didn´t know at all that her husband was there and understood it all. ACKWARD!
This is a picture of my twin sisters in the traditional naguas. My families Ngobe frinds in town made them for the girls.
This week I am going to my site for the first time, and will be meeting up with my work partner to plan out the first 3 months in site.
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