After our group swore in we went had a freee weekend to celebrate and went to the beach town of Santa Clara. We all stayed in cabanas which were right on the water. The last night we had a halloween party. The theme was that your costume has to be something related to Panama. I was Balboa the Conquistador.

This is a group shot of all the Environmental Health volunteers. It is taken right outiside the Panama Canal museum in the old city. Yes I´m the only person wearing a blazer...I brought it so I wore it.

This is a group of us inside the museam, left to right is Ryu, Colin, myself, Brandon ( all of these people are engineers in Bocas) Mellisa, Jack, Mo, and Kevin.

Colin and Ryu as a banana tree and someone eating a banana.

Me and Kevin rocking out on the assault rifle and sword. He was Panama National Police.
This is one of the two couples that are in our group. The trainors are in EH, and were trash. In many places Panama doesn´t have the best trash disposal. They even had a condom!!
This is Mo and Victoria as trees or the jungle. And yes those are freshly cut banana leaves.

This is it... Balboa in all his glory. Next to me is Kasey, he is a yes man, or someone one pushing for the Canal Expansion. He actually had the real pamflets.