Sunday, August 13, 2006

If you want to mail me something

I'll be trying to read emails and respond when I have time. I'm not sure how much internet access I will have so we shall see. I also would like regular snail mail, with pictures newspaper clippings, stickers, or some homeade art to hang up.

Some notes on sending me mail. It can take from ten days to well over a month for mail coming from Panama to the US, it is also probability similar reverse. Some advice if you’re interested in mailing me.

-Put post cards in envelopes or they may end up on the wall of a local post office.
-Number your letters you send me that way I'll know if one was misplaced.
-If you want to send me a package, please do not send anything of high value because there is no guarantee it will arrive. Packages should be sent in padded enveloped because they are opened and taxed less.

For the next three months when I'm at training I can be reached at:

(by fedex, UPS, etc.)

Peace Corps/Panamá American Embassy

Edif. 95, Ave. Vicente Bonilla

Ciudad del Saber, Clayton

Corregimiento de Ancón

Ciudad de Panamá

República de Panamá

Tel: 507.317.0038 Fax: 507.317.0809

Atentamente: Your Name

(by regular mail)

Your name

Cuerpo de Paz/Panamá

Apartado postal 0834-02788

Panamá, República de Panamá


Anonymous said...

Dude how's your espanol? Damn thats crazy that you'll be gone for 2 years. Its going to be an amazing experience, good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hope you made it to panama alright dude. Have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Youre in Panama! It must be so overwhelming right now. Everyone up here is thinking of you and pulling for you.

Anonymous said...
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