The aqueduct work is progressing along. I hope to start construction this month. Its kinda of strange that there is really not much Christmas here. In some ways it was nice not to be bombarded with the commercialism. Its just not that big of a holiday here. It is also hard because the people in my town don't really have enough money to buy presents for each other. I heard that usually they slaughter a pig and eat it for Christmas day. There are some plans underway to get together for New Years and have a gift exchange.
Right now I am in my closest town, called Almirante. It is a real cross of cultures, there are the indigenous Ngobe, Latinos, and Jamaicans and other people from the islands of the Caribbean. You commonly here their 3 languages, Ngobe (dialecto), Spanish, and Guari Guari. Guari Guari is kinda like how people speak in Jamaica but a bit different. I can{t really understand it at all. The other day I was riding back to my town in the 4x4 taxi, next to a drunk guy who thought that he could speak English, because he knew Guari Guari. This didn't work out at all, and he kept shaking my hand saying 'we are friends' until eventually he passed out.
My friend Brandon has a blog with different pictures. He lives right near me if you want to check it out.
On Tuesday I came to Almirante for Independence day from Spain. There was a huge parade in town. Marching bands from all over came to Almirante. Here is a bunch of pictures.

I'm not sure where this band is from but I like there Panama flags. Some of the bigger bands had cornets like these. I was talking with the band director from my town and told him how I used to play trombone. Later he told me that he wants to get cornets for next year, and that he wanted to know if I could play trombone. So who knows next year maybe I'll be marching.

Hey trombone man - I hope you get to march in the parade! I also hope you build a terrific aqueduct and know that we miss you every day!
PS Wonderful pix!
Hey Joe,
Great blog, looks like you are doing well. Are you still eating lots of platanos? We miss you and are envious of the weather. I love you, Sam
Go Joe, you're the man, seek the joy of being alive, Love, Sam
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