A WARNING: There are some pictures of a pig being slaughtered below. Beware. I'm busy so these will have short captions.

Just finished hiking up this super steep hill for 30 minutes. You know your in for a serious hike when the Ngobe your with gets a walking stick.

I got pretty sick for a few days drinking this water. This is what it looks like when we get heavy rain, the aqueduct is creek fed so all the sediment gets washed in. Normally I filter this and its fine but that night I was staying up late to help with this pig and drank some coffee from my host family forgetting about all the rain.

My two host brothers. I don't know why Justin is wearing that santa clause hat.

Right before this happened my uncle, Benito, hit the pig with the blunt end of an axe to stun it so it wouldn't squeal alot.

After it is killed you put boiling water on the skin then peal all the hair off with a knife. Then take the insides out. I didn't actually really do anything besides keep the water boiling and shine flashlights for them.

The water committee seminar came to my town and the theme was protecting your watershed. This is a guys from my town that runs this vivero or place where you keep trees before planting them. He spoke about the importance of reforestation to keep water in the ground and then talked about how you actually plant the small trees. Later in the day as a group we went and planted several small trees donated by the Bocas Fruit Company, aka Chiquita Banana.

These are the guys that I work with. There are 3 committees here. My town has two aqueducts then the one I built next door has a group too.
These are pictures at the last day of the seminar with all the participants and there diplomas.
1 comment:
I am glad you do not slaughter sloths, I like looking at them better than dead pigs! More sloth pix please!
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